God’s Pearls in My Life

A pearl is created when an irritant (such as a small piece of sand) finds its way into an oyster or mollusk (either naturally or with human intervention). The oyster or mollusk starts secreting a fluid in order to coat the irritant. This coating later becomes a pearl.

Through my life I have had many trials and rough patches as we all seem to experience. God has made those into pearls in my life. I will share them with you thru this blog and I hope they will help you find the pearls God has placed in your life.

Who am I?

I am married to a wonderful man (Steve); we have 3 children, 2 sons in laws, 3 grandkids and a miniature poodle. We live in an RV between Florida and a quiet village in NE Ohio.  We have been married for 34 years.  Life has been rough some years but God has blessed us through it all. We seem to have been given a whole new life over these last few years. God has blessed our family immensely.

Hope you enjoy my blog!

Pearls From My Life

“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.


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